


版主: doggydc, Jeff Wang, JLLinVET, 艾咪


文章denise » 2005-11-16, 18:57

我家狗狗這個月滿11歲, 瑪爾濟斯 公 4.5公斤, 三天前被我不小心摔下來, 左後腿就縮起來,無法著地. 這二天雖然可以走路了,但都是一跛一跛的,有小便但一直沒有大號,還趁我們不注意時連續二天從一樓跳到三樓...
雖然醫生作了抽血檢查,表示健康情況可接受手術, 但是我們家狗狗那麼老了,我們實在不放心讓他接受手術.....

我住在高雄, 有人可以推薦專門處理這種問題的好醫師嗎?

文章: 3
註冊時間: 2005-11-16, 18:41
性別: 未指定

文章Jeff Wang » 2005-11-17, 02:55

Dislocation on hip or knee? Do you have radiographs or walking file.
I will give enema first if you concern about constipation.

Jeff Wang
文章: 739
註冊時間: 2004-11-04, 10:15
來自: USA
性別: 未指定

文章denise » 2005-11-17, 09:58

sorry, I don't have radiographs or walking file. But the vet. showed me the radiographs and it seems the dislocation on hip. He also said the ligament is broken. He suggested to have a surgery (股骨切除術). Yes, he gave enema few days ago and my dog excreted one hour later. Now, he can excrete every 1 or 2 days w/o enema. He's old and we intend not to take this surgery. But he's still limping, what should I do? Is there any other solution? Will any nutriment improve this problem, such as SYNOQUIN or COSEQUIN ? Now we are seeing different vet. every 2 or 3 days and each vet. takes x-rays. Will such frequent x-rays be harmful to his health?
文章: 3
註冊時間: 2005-11-16, 18:41
性別: 未指定

文章Jeff Wang » 2005-11-17, 12:36

If the blood test and the physical condition are OK, I don't see any reason why the dog cann't go through surgery. Because the trauma is acute, the injured area is in active inflammation. It is different from the chronic dislocation caused by CHD. Proper surgery could be a good option. I need to see the radiographs. According to your description, your dog had a lot of x-ray already. You have the right to take a picture on the film with a digital camera. Then I can give you a better advice. You can write in Chinese, I can read it. I just don't know how to key in Chinese. Thanks.
One CT scan's radiation equals to about 60 radiographs. What do you think about that?

Dr. Wang
Jeff Wang
文章: 739
註冊時間: 2004-11-04, 10:15
來自: USA
性別: 未指定

文章denise » 2005-11-18, 23:40


去看過的醫生都建議用外科處理(股骨頭切除術),他們說:”內科處理的效果不大,而且狗狗現在很痛,內科處理太慢 ……. 因為是小型犬(4.6kgs),所以手術效果會比大型犬好……,雖然無法100%恢復原狀,但至少手術後狗狗就不會痛了,也可以正常行動,雖然走路可能會有點怪怪的 ….. “。

是真的嗎?手術效果可以達到什麼程度? 依X光片來看,請問各位醫師會建議如何處理呢? 因為scanner壞了,明天會再把blood test的報告傳給您們參考。謝謝!

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文章: 3
註冊時間: 2005-11-16, 18:41
性別: 未指定

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