

[急急急] Boxer難產及無奶水 

版主: doggydc, Jeff Wang, JLLinVET, 艾咪

[急急急] Boxer難產及無奶水

文章sal » 2005-03-10, 18:04

各醫生好! 有個特急問題請教

請問現在如何處理好呢? 謝謝
文章: 11
註冊時間: 2005-01-18, 18:25
來自: Hong Kong
性別: 未指定

文章Jeff Wang » 2005-03-15, 00:59

First, I have to say sorry about responding so late. I did not see this question until now. Because the dog has been spayed. There should have no bleeding spot internally. Because the excessive bleeding during delivery or surgery, the dog could be anemic and dehydrated. The bitch should be hooked up with intravenous fluid treatment and medicine to promote coaulation should be used on her. We will check the pack cell volume if needed. The formula for puppies should be OK if you choose the right brand. I have a lot of clients breed English bull dog. They used formula to feed the puppies from the first day they were born and have no problem about the immunity. Keep them warm and possible need to feed the puppies every 3 hours. I hope this will help.

Jeffrey Wang, DVM MPH.
Jeff Wang
文章: 739
註冊時間: 2004-11-04, 10:15
來自: USA
性別: 未指定

文章sal » 2005-03-16, 10:35

謝謝 Dr.WANG的回覆,朋友的Boxer女及BB都好安穩! BB於10日出生,我在他們3日大時探望過他們,很可愛。Boxer女已有奶水但並不多,我叫朋友除了給BB飲媽媽奶外,亦需要人手用奶瓶補奶,因Boxer女的奶水不足夠他們每餐之用。 Boxer女表現得好緊張,彷似人類的"產後抑鬱症", 相比起我的金毛女上年生產時誇張得多,Boxer女經常想用身及手一次過抱所以BB在懷中,但這樣又很易踩痛BB嘩嘩叫!Boxer女又不太願意進食,朋友曾經連牛肉都煮給她食,但都不願意進食。除了大小便外,Boxer女全部時間都要和BB一起,看似過度緊張! 請問為何Boxer女會這樣呢?
文章: 11
註冊時間: 2005-01-18, 18:25
來自: Hong Kong
性別: 未指定

文章Jeff Wang » 2005-03-16, 12:43

Hi Sal:
I think the boxer just has a very strong maternity. It is very common. I will recommend your friend should provide the boxer a very quiet enviroment and avoid any visitor(incluiding you). Then the dog can relax a little bit more and feel secure.

Jeffrey Wang DVM MPH.
Jeff Wang
文章: 739
註冊時間: 2004-11-04, 10:15
來自: USA
性別: 未指定

文章sal » 2005-03-16, 12:57


謝謝你的意見呀! :lol:
文章: 11
註冊時間: 2005-01-18, 18:25
來自: Hong Kong
性別: 未指定

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