

這次請你一定要幫幫我... SOS!!! 

版主: doggydc, Jeff Wang, JLLinVET, 艾咪


文章nienie717 » 2006-03-29, 19:52

李醫生,我家狗狗今年十二歲,大概三個月前被獸醫診斷患有心臟病,她照了三次X-Ray,有心臟腫大,之后開始服用利尿,止痛和止咳的藥.可是病情并沒有好轉,最近咳嗽得很厲害,晚上幾乎不能睡覺,好幾次小便之后有虛脫的現象.前兩天驗血的結果是腎臟指數偏高,然后醫師把原先利尿的藥改成有herbal成份的.她現在服用的藥是Phytophale,Acetylsalicylic acid,Vetoquinol Prilium petits chiens.請問這些藥物對她真的有幫助嗎?
文章: 6
註冊時間: 2006-03-29, 18:34
性別: 未指定

文章doggydc » 2006-03-30, 07:09

I don't know the first and third medicine. In deed, I didn't see any medicine is good for heart problem. please find a doctor is good on heart disease to see your dog as soon as possible.
Dr. Lee
文章: 959
註冊時間: 2004-10-04, 16:25
來自: losangeles
性別: 未指定

文章路克娘 » 2006-03-30, 08:46

doggydc 寫:I don't know the first and third medicine. In deed, I didn't see any medicine is good for heart problem. please find a doctor is good on heart disease to see your dog as soon as possible.
Dr. Lee

文章: 52
註冊時間: 2005-12-19, 21:31
性別: 未指定

這次請你一定要幫幫我... SOS!!!

文章nienie717 » 2006-03-30, 19:54

文章: 6
註冊時間: 2006-03-29, 18:34
性別: 未指定

文章doggydc » 2006-03-31, 02:25

as i told you last time you have to find a doctor who is good and knowing how to treat heart disease. Once I have more detail idea about your doctor, maybe I can give you some advice. I can't tell you any thing without seeing your dog or having good medical information. Try to go to taipei there is good doctor(Dr. Hong) knowing heart problem.
文章: 959
註冊時間: 2004-10-04, 16:25
來自: losangeles
性別: 未指定


文章nienie717 » 2006-03-31, 06:55

對不起,我忘記告訴你,我來自馬來西亞!我去問過其他獸醫,他們的答案都一樣,就是吃那幾種藥物,還說已經沒得救了.我知道我這里的動物醫學沒有美國和臺灣這么先進,這就是我向你求救的原因.之前我告訴你的那三種藥,第一種是吃有herbal成份的利尿藥,因為我的獸醫說我的狗狗心臟有水腫.第二種是吃止痛的,而第三種獸醫說是補心的.獸醫還說我狗狗的心臟血液輸出的很慢,現在暫時沒有水腫的現象. 或者是你可以聯絡我的獸醫嗎?她是一位女獸醫,她的email是: phkho@tm.net.my
聯絡電話是:6085419114,手機的號碼是:60128046000,我的狗狗叫Jojo,是只母犬,今年十二歲,前兩年她做過結扎手術.還有,我姓林.或者是你可以用skype聯絡我,我的user ID是:lingjl
文章: 6
註冊時間: 2006-03-29, 18:34
性別: 未指定


文章nienie717 » 2006-03-31, 09:24

希望你可以了解我迫切需要幫忙的心情,please... :cry:
文章: 6
註冊時間: 2006-03-29, 18:34
性別: 未指定

文章doggydc » 2006-03-31, 15:33

There are some medicine we use on congestive heart failure patients. First, medicine to reduce blood pressure,like enalapril, to help circulation and reduce lung congestion. Second, diuretic medicine to reduce lung congestion and help coughing problem. Third, digitoxin is used to increase heart contraction and reduce heart rate to improve each heart beat effectivity. Fourth, tracheobronchial dilator to help breathing and oxygen consumption.
I believe your doctor should can find these medicne to help your dog. Sorry I can't tell your doctor how to do it. I believe she is already trying her best to help your dog by using all the available medicne she has.
We are not 'God' who can cure everything. Sometimes in the end of life, you have to face it and do the right thing to help your pet. I believe you won't see your dog is suffering once your doctor already tries her best.
Dr. Lee
文章: 959
註冊時間: 2004-10-04, 16:25
來自: losangeles
性別: 未指定

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